StudyMind – A Strong Foundation
Transformation happens when you act.
That’s why StudyMind makes it easy for you to strengthen your mindset and train your performance ability, enabling your confidence to increase. When you are reaching your dreams, insecurities should be the least of your concerns.
With StudyMind by your side, you will quickly and efficiently create a strong foundation, making your next presentation a success.
How we put our values into action every day
StudyMinds solutions have been developed in cooperation with our clients. We are in a continuous dialogue with customers and development-partners. We base our development-plans on experience and feedback from the organizations and clients using our apps.
StudyMind furthermore builds on cognitive behavioural psychology, including evidence-based methods for managing performance anxiety.
StudyMind is a family-owned business, founded by Anna Stelvig. The team behind the business has over 20 years combined experience with cognitive behavioral psychology and counselling on presentation anxiety.
We are very passionate and never compromise on the quality of our products and services. Our solutions have helped thousands of students and jobseekers prepare and complete the “difficult conversation”. Even though our primary product is digital, we are always ready to tailor a personal solution, so it fits our customer’s needs perfectly.
StudyMind is for anyone who wishes to improve their presenting-skills and achieve better results. We have therefore digitized a training-universe, to increase accessibility for students or job seekers who wish to train through the phone or with VR-glasses.
More than 30,000 users have already had great use of our app. We are continuously working on expanding our business areas, so we can increase confidence amongst presenters worldwide.
StudyMind engages users through simple training programs found in the smartphone apps, which also allows one to train in virtual reality. We know learning is more efficient when it is intuitive, fun and easy to use.
At the same time, we engage our business clients with introductory workshops and continuous contact throughout the year. With all around client contact, everyone is well-suited to assist users in achieving the best results possible through StudyMind.
We are StudyMind
CEO and Founder
+45 26233974
Anna has a Master’s Degree in Psychology and has 15+ years of experience with psychological counselling of students. She has primarily counselled students fighting exam-anxiety, stress related to studying, writersblock, perfectionism and other personal challenges. She also has experience with hosting group-courses for students, teachers and counsellors. Anna personally suffered from exam-anxiety and knows how one experiences it and how it can be overcome.
CFO and Founder
+45 40606003
Lars has a Master’s Degree in Strategy, Organisation and Leadership from Copenhagen Business School. He is project-leader on our apps and has in depth experience within IT- and business development. He also consults on the concept-development in StudyMind contributing with his years of experience with customized learning-concepts and digital products for the target group. Lars also runs the digital marketing firm; 3xo.
IT project manager
Patrick is our it-pirate, who makes the waters calm for the StudyMind ship to sail on.
He navigates the highly technical communication to make it understandable for the non-tech savvy part of the organization. Patrick owned his first computer at 5 and has been a master of tech ever since.
Senior Unity developer
As a senior Unity developer, Kenneth has developed several innovative, digital solutions as a freelance developer and his broad and vast knowledge of all things game development comes in handy as we set our sails out to teach the world through our gamified apps. His unique and deep understanding of the possibilities in VR makes him our absolutely soothing, problem-solving and necessary puzzle piece in the big StudyMind puzzle.
VR Developer
+45 26241827
Thomas is educated in Media Studies and Digital Media Technologies from Aalborg University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Business Academy and the Technical University of Denmark. Given his wide set of IT-competencies, Thomas has dealt with several areas in development of interactive media, including 2D and 3D-graphic, UX Design, og programming.
Unity and backend developer
Joakim is an educated medialog with his fingers deep in the digital ocean that makes out the apps of StudyMind. He steers with certainty through muddy swamps and enemy territory, making our journey to the unknown better, safer and more fun for everyone.
Onboarding manager
Natalie is the face and heart of StudyMind, connecting deeply with our customers needs and wants, and trying to fulfill the wishes of all of them. She communicates these wishes smoothly with our amazing tech-team and makes sure that we have shelter and friends in every place we harbour.
Communications advisor
A rhetorician by trade, Marie-Louise has a knack for writing creative copy and lofty speeches, but mostly thrives in the land of dead and living metaphors, the island of the eight-armed power point presentation and the lagoon of the seasonal newsletter. She also does Social Media.
Student assistant
Julie is a first-year student on the bachelor of International Business at Copenhagen Business School. Julie handles our communication, PR and supply chain. She has work-experience within HR, Finance and has been project coordinator in international companies.
Advisory board
Advisory Board, Business Development
Claus has held senior positions within IT-software and IT-service companies in the US and in Europe. Today, he is Chief Sales Officer of Strålsfors, chairman of Pos One and consults several innovative start-ups, all within IT. At StudyMind, Claus assists with business development, including dialogues with our biggest clients and most important partners.
+45 20162316
Peter has a background within international sales of IT-software and services. He’s been in charge of a series of European subsidiaries and has been living in England for the past five years. During this time, he has built an IT-software- and consultancy business with some of the biggest companies in Europe as his clientele. Peter primarily works with business development, sales and management.
Advisory Board, Strategy
Tune is educated at Copenhagen Business School, the Technical University of Denmark and IMD Business School. He has worked globally as a strategic counselor in Accenture and Right. Furthermore, he has been active in startups as a partner, investor and counsellor. His role in StudyMind is to form a solid strategy and secure funding.
Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board
Stig is an accredited business angel at the Danish state’s investment fund. He is especially known for selling the mobile company, Fullrate, to TDC in 2009 for an amount close to 400 million DKK. He furthermore founded the telecompany, Hiper, that was sold to TDC in 2018 as well. He currently works with investments in young firms and is a part of the business angel program at Vækstfonden.
Stig is with his advanced knowledge, integrity and engagement, a very big support throughout StudyMind’s journey.
Board member
Board member
Investors and partners
Do you want your message to be strongly conveyed when presenting?
Sign up here, so we can provide you with invaluable knowledge! You will get:
- Knowledge, tools, tips and checklists to achieve a better presentation.
- Invaluable advice from experts on presentational skills.
- Experiences from other users who have had great success with the product.